KEEPONFARMING.IE   are experienced professionals

Jim Buckley, the Leader of the KEEPONFARMING team, has a wealth of experience and expertise in Behaviour Change Management, Accountancy, Training / Mentoring and Coaching. He has distilled and interwoven his diverse expertise to enable him to identify an unique comprehensive view, to locate and deal with obstacles and to identify and engage opportunities.

Jim Buckley

Our Track-record is:

  • We have 100% commitment to moving matter to the best place in mutual trust creating customised solutions that provide successful ongoing results.
  • "We work long and hard, we listen attentively, we try to anticipate and manage potential problems before they arise and we respond swiftly when the unexpected arise".
  • We have an entrepreneurial outlook and work ethic down-to-earth practical approach. We work in TOTAL confidentiality with our clients.
  • P300639 RQTU reference number 780165 Specialist in Jungian Depth Psychology